LAMS Foundation

LAMS Foundation (Norway)

The LAMS Foundation is a Norwegian charitable foundation that is registered with the Norwegian Foundations Authority (org. no. 982.405.955).

The purpose of the foundation is to support the operation and further development of the LAMS school in Sultan Town, Faisalabad, Pakistan, an educational institution established in 1996 to offer schooling to the children of the employees of the Bokhari textile mill (Norpak International), and children and youth in Sultan Town to the extent that the school has capacity.

The LAMS foundation is managed by a board consisting of five people who meet regularly. All tasks performed by the board are done on a voluntary basis. The board leads the work of fundraising for the foundation, approves annual accounts and contributes to lectures and other work to create awareness of the foundation's purpose and work. The board coordinates all initiatives with the LAMS school.

The LAMS foundation is approved by the Norwegian Collection Control. This helps to ensure that all funds collected for the LAMS school are used in accordance with the purpose and that the collection activities carried out are sound and in accordance with current Norwegian regulations. In order to be approved by the Collection Control, transparency is required about all financial transactions and results, which contributes to increased security for donors. The LAMS foundation commits itself to external control, following specific accounting rules and ethical guidelines for fundraising. The approval shows that Stiftelsen LAMS satisfies strict requirements for accounting and is subject to external control.

All funds collected in Norway for the LAMS school are managed by Stiftelsen LAMS, which is a member of the Fundraising Control. The foundation is registered with the Norwegian Foundations Authority and manages all collected funds in accordance with its statutes and purpose.

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