LAMS is a school in Sultan Town, outside the city of Faisalabad in Pakistan. The school was established in 1996 as a CSR initiative in collaboration with the weaving company Bokhari (Norpak International) and offers preschool, primary and secondary education to girls and boys aged 4 to 18 years. Close to 1,000 students currently are enrolled at LAMS and annually more than 25 girls graduate are offered scholarships for further education.
All the children of the employees at the weavery are offered schooling free of cost. The operation of LAMS is financed through the school's grants from the weavery, as well as funds collected by the LAMS Foundation in Norway.
Since 1996, LAMS has offered quality education to girls and boys who otherwise would not have had the opportunity to go to school. Often the students, especially the girls, are the first in their families to go to school.
Education is more than reading and writing. With education comes the opportunity to actively participate in the surrounding society and influence one's own future. With education comes knowledge and with knowledge comes power.
LAMS currently enrols nearly 1,000 students, most of them the daughters of employees at the Bokhari weaving mill. The students are from 4 to 17 years old. After finishing school, graduating students are offered scholarships for further studies.
Hello! My name is Iman and I am in first grade. I have five siblings who also attend LAMS. My favorite subject is English.
Hi all! My name is Ayesha. I am in fifth grade and very happy at my school. My favorite subject is maths.
My name is Noreen and I love to read. I am in the seventh grade and have two sisters and a brother who also attend LAMS.
The LAMS school, with its nearly 1,000 students, is a unique example of how the impossible is possible.
The LAMS Foundation is registered Norway and has been established to support the LAMS school.
The LAMS school was established in 1996 so that all children, especially girls, regardless of background and resources, should have the opportunity for a quality education.
The social entrepreneur Bokhari ensures the operation and further development of LAMS through the production and sale of textile and interior products.
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